Nature's Powerful Immune Support
Brazilian Agaricus Blazei Mushrooms
My name is Kristina Okuda, and my story starts in 2002 when a friend asked me to get them some Brazilian Agaricus Blazei Murrill mushrooms for his father’s health condition. Growing up in Brazil, I knew where to look for them. I did some additional research on the ABM mushroom and thought it was interesting …… but little did I know that 3 months later I would be in trouble myself!
During that summer, I constantly felt bloated, and my stomach grew larger every day. I knew something was wrong, so I went to have it checked out. I ended up being misdiagnosed by THREE doctors! Finally, a fourth doctor sent me to get a scan. That is when I started to take the mushrooms.
After waiting for 3 weeks, I got the confirmation I had a 22 lb ovarian tumor! How can 3 doctors miss that? It was a heavy wake-up call to what is important in life. I was not ready to say goodbye to my life at age 40! I had surgery to remove it because it could burst at any moment. They told me that if I got it again, it would kill me. However, I was determined not to have to go through this ever again.
This led me to make changes to my diet and lifestyle, in addition to trying to reduce my stress levels and changing the way I was living. Those things started to help and I got even better when I incorporated the nutritious mushrooms into my daily routine. From what I had read it helped me feel better and I recuperated much faster. As a whole food, Mushrooms are very nutritious and help provide a lot of important nutrients your body may be missing.
In essence, all of the research I read about the ABM mushrooms proved to be true and it reflected in my quick healing and general well being. Ultimately, this ordeal led me to the founding of Desert Forest Nutritionals, offering a pure authentic line of Brazilian ABM mushroom extracts plus a lifetime of educational support to help people find good health on their terms.
Don’t wait to make your health a priority.
-Kristina & Kaz Okuda