The information on this page is for educatioanl purposes only. The general research studies that have been published on the Agaricus Blazei Murrill mushroom and not on research done on Desert Forest Nutritionals products and is provided here for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, nor is it meant to prescribe any medication.
The facts are all that matter when it comes to your health. That’s why the website known as PubMed (NCBI – National Center for Biotechnology Information (US National Library of Medicine ~ National Institute of Health) has an extensive biotechnology library of over 25 million research papers from hundreds of life science journals, online books and other scientific publications.
On the PubMed website there are hundreds of research papers on the Agaricus Blazei Murrill sensu Heineman (Agaricus brasiliensis)” mushroom. For your convenience we have compiled a listing by subject of the studies published to date. As new research papers are published we will update this list.
By clicking on the links below, you will be taken directly to the study abstract on the PubMed research website:
We're always happy to talk about your health goals. There's no reason to wait.
Offering the best Brazilian Agaricus Mushrooms in the World
* The Information provided by Desert Forest Nutritionals LLC on this site is for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical
professional. Desert Forest Nutritionals LLC is not providing the services of a physician or offering any medical advice; The information provided by Desert Forest Nutritionals LLC is not meant to diagnose or treat
a health problem or disease, nor is it meant to prescribe any medication. That medical problems should promptly be brought to the attention of your health care provider. The information and statements
regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.